Southeast Indiana Workforce Investment Board Announces Duke Energy Foundation Investment in Area JAG Expansion

The Southeast Indiana Workforce Investment Board (SEIWIB) is pleased to announce that Duke Energy Foundation has provided the regional nonprofit with $10,000 to assist with JAG expansion and assisting at-risk students.

In 2006, Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) was implemented in Indiana. JAG is a dropout prevention program, and in 2011, SEIWIB started its first two programs in southeast Indiana. At the direction of Governor Eric Holcomb in 2022, JAG expansion has been a priority in the region. There are currently 13 programs, with another seven slated to begin in the fall, and 2-3 more to begin in early 2025.

Kurt Kegerreis, Executive Director of SEIWIB, praised Duke for its commitment to helping southeast Indiana’s JAG students. “Duke continues to be an excellent partner in our efforts to lift up these excellent students to reach their full potential.”

With these types of investments, SEIWIB will be able to continue to assist and expand the JAG program in the region. 

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